Blackburn Commercial Playground | 16-20 Week Lead Time
Welcome to the Blackburn playground, which is both sleek and modern in design. This is a fantastic structure that has been developed to provide a broad variety of activities that appeal to the interests of every youngster. Among the many features of Blackburn is a Rock Hole Climber that children can use to scale the structure, which also contains a Peephole Cut Out at the bottom that allows children to crawl around and explore fantasy worlds. A Straight Slide and a Right-Turn Slide provide youngsters with a safe and enjoyable way to exit the play structure. A Pea Pod Climber, on the other hand, provides interest and encourages a lot of physical activity. Additionally, a Ship's Wheel and bongos are set on posts on the ground level, allowing children of all abilities to participate in imaginative and dramatic play activities. Additionally, a Gear Panel on the uppermost deck encourages children to improve their problem-solving and hand-eye coordination abilities. The Blackburn unit also has a transfer station, and the playground is compatible with the Americans with Disabilities Act. Wide platforms provide for plenty of space for everyone to play and dream!
Age Range: 2-12 years
Child Capacity: 21-24
Fall Height: 48"
Post Diameter: 4.5-inch
Safety Zone: 23' 4" x 35' 11"