Playground Equipment

Vincennes Commercial Playground | 16-20 Week Lead Time


In addition to having a distinctive expansive shape, the Vincennes Play structure is equipped with a surprising number of entertaining components. As youngsters travel the ship's curving decks, they will discover more and more aspects of it that they will like. It contains three Straight Slides that are identical to one another and jut out in opposite directions. The construction is divided along the center by a suspended Tube Bridge, which serves as a handy and entertaining corridor for visitors. In order to get to the top of the construction, climbers are located on either side of the structure. Pod Climber with circular steps is located on one side of the platform, while the slanted Pixel Climber is located on the opposite side of the platform with angular blocks. This provides two very distinct climbing experiences, which helps to keep the structure interesting. In fact, Vincennes has a Store Panel beneath one of its decks, where children may create an imaginative house or business.

Age Range: 2-12 years
Child Capacity: 34-40
Fall Height: 48"
Post Diameter: 3.5-inch
Safety Zone: 29' 5" x 32' 4"