Playground Equipment

Royal Troon Commercial Playground | 16-20 Week Lead Time


Several bridges, steps, and climbers are included in the Royal Troon's play structure, and all of them lead to even more excitement and activities. They will have two Bones Bridges on either side of them, which will be seen from the front of the structure, which will be accessible from the Transfer Station, Pebble Climber, or Sea Creature Climber. Upon crossing either of these bridges, you will find yourself on an elevated six-foot deck with various slides. On one side, there is even an astonishing trio of slides that are all arranged next to each other. Behind that, there's an Arch Bridge that leads to even more slides, as well as a genuine Rock Hole Climber to keep you entertained. They serve as safe and appropriately broad paths, allowing children to run about and move freely without causing any obstructions to their other children's activities. The ground floor of the structure is designed to provide a more relaxed and stimulating environment for visitors. It contains a panel that is half math and half spelling, which encourages children to improve their academic abilities. It even features a Bench Panel so that they may sit comfortably and a Store Panel so that they can engage in imaginative play.

Age Range: 2-12 years
Child Capacity: 60-72
Fall Height: 72"
Post Diameter: 4.5-inch
Safety Zone: 46' 9" x 62'