Hoosier Nest
The Hoosier Nest is an exhilarating play structure that provides a significant amount of entertainment for a fair size and cost. Children are drawn to the top of the structure by an astonishing Spiral Slide, which rolls down from its highest deck and winds down from its lowest level. Additionally, a smaller Straight Slide is available for children who prefer a more rapid and less stressful ride that involves less climbing. There are also three separate activity panels on the structure, which provide a variety of activities for youngsters to participate in. There is also a Gear Panel, which is ideal for younger children who simply want to use their imaginations to get some exercise. Additionally, a Tic-Tac-Toe Panel is available for children who wish to compete against their peers. Finally, the Store Panel, which is placed underneath the top deck, allows children to operate their own company. Whatever it is that children are seeking for, they will almost certainly find it in the Hoosier Nest.
Age Range: 2-12 years
Child Capacity: 28-32
Fall Height: 66"
Post Diameter: 3.5-inch
Safety Zone: 24' 4" x 31' 3"